My Thoughts...

I turned 50 this year. I also lost a few friends to cancer. It started me thinking...about life, and priorities, how and why I (we) do the things we do. So this is a way to record the meanderings of my brain, and share them with others.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

The News

What the heck happenned to the News?? Who else is sick and tired of hearing about the spoiled 20-something celebrities like that brat Lindsay, and her troubles with the law? We would have already had most of our sentence served by now. I don't want to hear about Bristol, and whether or not her mom knows she is engaged. Or which celebrities went bald. Or which stars have lost their looks, or gained weight, or heaven forbid-have cellulite. I don't want sneak peeks of bony superstars on vacation in bikinis. I don't want to hear what weird names they gave their kids, or where they buy clothes.

And who the hell are the Kardashians, and how did they get famous? I don't care how many kids Brad and Angelina adopt, or from where, as long as they take good care of them. I don't care to hear every time they have an argument. I don't want to hear about the I -phone and it's new apps.

If you want to hear something newsworthy-lets hear about these 20-somethings. The ones who have done something of worth and valor. The ones who gave their life to serve and defend us this week. Have you heard of them???

Justin Allen-23

Brett Linley-29

Matthew Weikert-29

Justus Bartett-27

Dave Santos-21

Chase Stanley-21

Jesse Reed-26

Matthew King-23

Christopher Goeke-23

Sheldon Tate-27

I wish I could personally thank their loved ones for their sacrafice, and have them on the news.

That would be something worthwhile to see.

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