My Thoughts...

I turned 50 this year. I also lost a few friends to cancer. It started me thinking...about life, and priorities, how and why I (we) do the things we do. So this is a way to record the meanderings of my brain, and share them with others.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

The News

What the heck happenned to the News?? Who else is sick and tired of hearing about the spoiled 20-something celebrities like that brat Lindsay, and her troubles with the law? We would have already had most of our sentence served by now. I don't want to hear about Bristol, and whether or not her mom knows she is engaged. Or which celebrities went bald. Or which stars have lost their looks, or gained weight, or heaven forbid-have cellulite. I don't want sneak peeks of bony superstars on vacation in bikinis. I don't want to hear what weird names they gave their kids, or where they buy clothes.

And who the hell are the Kardashians, and how did they get famous? I don't care how many kids Brad and Angelina adopt, or from where, as long as they take good care of them. I don't care to hear every time they have an argument. I don't want to hear about the I -phone and it's new apps.

If you want to hear something newsworthy-lets hear about these 20-somethings. The ones who have done something of worth and valor. The ones who gave their life to serve and defend us this week. Have you heard of them???

Justin Allen-23

Brett Linley-29

Matthew Weikert-29

Justus Bartett-27

Dave Santos-21

Chase Stanley-21

Jesse Reed-26

Matthew King-23

Christopher Goeke-23

Sheldon Tate-27

I wish I could personally thank their loved ones for their sacrafice, and have them on the news.

That would be something worthwhile to see.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Self Improvement Dr Oz style

I was recently in a doctors waiting room , waiting, and reading a magazine. I read an interesting article by Dr Oz. Why can't all our family physicians be like him, anyway??? It was a sort of "how to improve your life" article, and he always seems to know what he is about, so I took notes. (plus, I was bored). So, for anybody interested, here is how to start improving your health in little steps. This was the goal for the first month, anyway.
1.Walk 30 minutes a day.
2. Brush and floss your teeth everyday.
3. Drink 2 cups green tea.
4. Sleep 7-8 hours a night.
5. Spiritual-I though this was interesting! Meditate, do Yoga, or Pray-at least 5 minutes per day.
Then the vitamins-
DHA Omega 3's-400 mg
Vitamin D 1000 IU
Calcium 1000 mg

So I decided then and there to try it. So far, I've been doing the walking (most days-especially since I have to walk the dogs anyway). I've also been brushing and flossing. I always brush, but I will do really well with the flossing for a while, then I fall off the wagon and let it slide, then I have to start over. I try to get enough sleep, but struggle with bouts of insomnia. I went to the chiropractor the other day, and got the added side effect of sleeping much better. That was a surprise. I have always prayed at night before I fall asleep, so that was a no brainer. I haven't made it to the store to get the vitamins yet. I don't know why I seem to be putting it off, but I need to get cracking. Especially the calcium and vitamin D. I don't want to wind up with awful osteoporosis. I don't like green tea as much, so I've been drinking the black. I sneak in green tea occasionally.
So, goal for the week, get the vitamins-and get started.

Friday, July 16, 2010

kids in restaurants

Dear Parents,

The only people who think your kids are as cute and charming as you do are their grandparents.

If I decide to go out for a meal, and I go to an adult restaurant-(you can tell because they have a bar!!!), I want a relatively quiet meal. I do not want to hear your child shrieking. If they are tired and cranky, get a take out box and leave. They need to go home to bed if they are tired. And please do not let them stand up in the booth and turn around and touch my hair with their dirty little hands. And for heavens sake, don't let them wander around bothering other people, or run through the aisles where the poor waitstaff are trying not to spill drinks or hot food on them.

I was actually in a restaurant where a group of kids ( who were being ignored by their parents) were running around playing hide and seek among the tables and booths. They tried to crawl in under our legs as we were eating. I loudly explained to them that we had paid for a babysitter for our children, so we could enjoy our meal in peace and quiet. So they ran out the door, and were chasing each other up and down the sidewalk, next to a relatively busy street. I was the only one who seemed worried they would get hit by a car. The group of parents were oblivious to it all. The other patrons looked grateful.

I know babies and small children sometimes cry, but for heavens sake, take them to the bathroom or outside, so we don't all have to put up with it.

Now, if you are in McDonalds, or Chucky Cheese, or some other kid oriented place, that kind of thing is expected to happen. If the grown ups don't like it, they can leave.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Stuff you wanna do-vs-stuff you gotta do.

Part of my new philosophy on life is that every day, I'm going to do something fun, something I like, or something that relaxes me and feeds my soul. Or maybe something that makes me really laugh. It doesn't have to be big or grand-today I went to the thrift store. It's like treasure hunting, and it's relaxing just to poke around and see what you can find. I had a friend with me, which made it more fun. And there was a lady there that I didn't know, but she kept coming up and showing me stuff she had found, and we laughed and talked about it. Later, she kept popping out of the dressing room and making me tell her if stuff was too tight, or if it looked okay. She tried on this ridiculous shirt from the 70's that was off the shoulder with big sleeves, psychadelic print, polyester nightmare! We got a great laugh out of that one. I brought home a couple of small treasures, and was pleased for the rest of the afternoon.
On the flip side, I also decided I will do at least one thing that needs doing every day, whether I want to or not. Today I picked up all the dog toys from all over the house, paid bills, swiffered the kitchen and breakfast nook, and replaced the cover on the mattress on the pull out sofa bed, that I had washed after Brian's Army buddy left to go back home.
So far it's going pretty well, coming up with ideas for "me time".

Hair Color or going gray

When researching all the chemicals in the products I've been using, one of the first things I looked up was hair color. I've noticed the last few times I colored my hair my scalp was burning, and felt sort of like a mild sunburn for a couple of days after. I was surprised to find out just how toxic the chemicals in hair dye, especially the darker hair dyes, really are. Several studies have been done, and it looks like the ladies who use darker hair dye have a significantly increased rate of bladder cancer and lymphoma. In fact, I was reading that with long term use, your risk goes up, to a 50% greater risk of cancer, if I remember right, these were people with 25 years of hair color use. So then I looked up "going gray". There's a whole website for that. It has tips you can use to help you along.
I tried just stopping cold turkey, but I couldn't stand the "stripe" down the middle of my head. I talked to the hair stylist, who convinced me highlights were the way to go. So I got highlights, which made me look blonde. (I did not have more fun) So then, I had a reverse stripe, which was darker. ugh. So my new option was temporary hair color. Still has chemicals, but less harsh. I colored over the highlights, as close to my natural color as I could find. It will wash out in "about 30 shampoos". So I'm hoping it will gradually fade away, and it will all blend together better, without the "stripe". If that doesn't work, I'm going really short till it grows out. I've convinced myself this is it! The last time I color my hair. Hope I can stick with it.
Check out ""

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

the Diva's Dirty Dozen

After turning 50 this year, and thinking, "holy crap, my life is more than half over", I decided to pay more attention to my health. Adding to that decision was the loss of several friends in the past few years to cancers. All nurses, all coworkers. Friends and I were discussing this, and how to improve our health, and we started thinking about all the toxins we are exposed to on a regular basis. A friend mentioned the Diva's list of toxic ingredients in health and beauty products, so I started checking it out. Another "holy crap"-I can't believe all the chemicals I've been putting all over myself all these years. I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis several years ago, and I wondered why. Now I have a small cloud of suspicion.
I got the list, and started eliminating the bad stuff from the everyday things I've been using. I didn't go whole hog-just when I ran out of shampoo, I started researching a non-toxic brand. Then lotion, then laundry detergent, etc. Also paying more attention to what I'm eating, but that's a whole 'nother topic.
Here's the list-to get you started. Next time you're sitting on the potty-grab a bottle of something you've got in your bathroom and read the ingredients. It might really surprise and scare you!
1. the paraben family (methyl paraben, propyl, butyl, and ethyl parabens)
2. Urea compounds (imidazolindyl and diazolindy ureas)
3. Petrolatum
4. propylene glycol
5. PVP/V copolymer
6. sodium lauryl sulphate
7. stearalkonium chloride
8. synthetic colours
9. fragrances
10. phthalates
11. triethanolamine

Check out this and more information on
Well, I did it. After 3 attempts, I figured out how to delete the doomed website attempt. Now I can focus on how to fix up this blogsite the way I want it.

7/13/2010-The Beginning

I'm not the most tech savvy person, but like my friends the bulldogs, I am stubborn when I want something. So I've spent a good part of the day trying to set up this blog. I hope it all works right. I first attempted a website, which I figured out is not what I really want or need. So I have to go back and try to get rid of my feeble attempt at website design.