My Thoughts...

I turned 50 this year. I also lost a few friends to cancer. It started me thinking...about life, and priorities, how and why I (we) do the things we do. So this is a way to record the meanderings of my brain, and share them with others.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Hair Color or going gray

When researching all the chemicals in the products I've been using, one of the first things I looked up was hair color. I've noticed the last few times I colored my hair my scalp was burning, and felt sort of like a mild sunburn for a couple of days after. I was surprised to find out just how toxic the chemicals in hair dye, especially the darker hair dyes, really are. Several studies have been done, and it looks like the ladies who use darker hair dye have a significantly increased rate of bladder cancer and lymphoma. In fact, I was reading that with long term use, your risk goes up, to a 50% greater risk of cancer, if I remember right, these were people with 25 years of hair color use. So then I looked up "going gray". There's a whole website for that. It has tips you can use to help you along.
I tried just stopping cold turkey, but I couldn't stand the "stripe" down the middle of my head. I talked to the hair stylist, who convinced me highlights were the way to go. So I got highlights, which made me look blonde. (I did not have more fun) So then, I had a reverse stripe, which was darker. ugh. So my new option was temporary hair color. Still has chemicals, but less harsh. I colored over the highlights, as close to my natural color as I could find. It will wash out in "about 30 shampoos". So I'm hoping it will gradually fade away, and it will all blend together better, without the "stripe". If that doesn't work, I'm going really short till it grows out. I've convinced myself this is it! The last time I color my hair. Hope I can stick with it.
Check out ""

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