My Thoughts...

I turned 50 this year. I also lost a few friends to cancer. It started me thinking...about life, and priorities, how and why I (we) do the things we do. So this is a way to record the meanderings of my brain, and share them with others.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

51,000 Mile Maintenence

Another birthday. 51 years old now. Time to get the annual maintenence done.
Got my teeth cleaned. That was strange. The dentist I've been going to since I was 18 was who I scheduled my appointment with, was out due to "cardiac problems". So, in walks his son. Last time I saw him, he was still in school. He was very good, and complemented me on my "home care". Told me my old silver fillings were still in good shape. I told him to tell his dad, as he's the one who put them in! No major problems, but he did recommend a bite guard, which is $500, and not covered by dental insurance. Because I clench my teeth at night. If life wasn't so stressful, I wouldn't be clenching, I'm sure. Since I don't have a spare $500 lying around, I'll take my chances, I guess.
Next day, my physical. Good blood pressure. Nothing obvious wrong. Felt a little smug writing on my paperwork that I am taking my Calcium,vitamin D, and fish oil, along with my probiotics. Since they didn't ask how long I had been taking them, I didn't have to day it was only a few weeks!
Next comes the diagnostics. Lab work. I have lousy veins, so that's always at least 3 tries, and lots of bandaids. Then the mammogram, and a bone density. I have to have those done at the hospital because of my crappy insurance. No nice outpatient clinic, zip in and out for me. Nope, ironically enough, nurses get crap for health insurance.
Next is the colonoscopy. I had to schedule that for September, I guess there's a waiting list, if you can imagine that. Right before my vacation! yay! But, I know it's necessary, we have a strong family history of colon problems, along with high cholesterol, and diabetes.
I would rather have inherited money, or real estate, even nice jewelry, but no, that's all I got. More's the pity.
Still trying to use non-toxic products, not coloring my hair, trying to make better choices every day. Win some, lose some....salad instead cheesburger, tea instead of cola, fruit instead of cookies, whole grain instead of white...but sometimes I indulge. Yesterday I had chocolate cake.
My next health related goal is to check into Biodentical Hormone Replacement. Have an appointment in September for that as well. I'll let you know how that goes.
I'm going now, to fill my glass with water, instead of Diet Coke.

1 comment:

  1. You are so good. An inspiration to us all. What is Bioidential HR? Can you post some info?
