My Thoughts...

I turned 50 this year. I also lost a few friends to cancer. It started me thinking...about life, and priorities, how and why I (we) do the things we do. So this is a way to record the meanderings of my brain, and share them with others.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Green Products

I've been trying different environmentally and non toxic products as the need for them arises. Here are some of my findings:

Burts Bees More Moisture Raspberry and Brazil Nut shampoo and conditioner-
The shampoo smells nice, and gets your hair clean, but tends to dry the hair, and leaves it in tangles. So, overall, I did not like it too much. I won't buy it again. The conditioner is fair, helps with the tangles, but just doesn't quite do the job I want it to do. I am using the leftover to shave my legs-works Great for that, leaves your legs nice and soft. You can use any conditioner for this.

Kiss My Face olive oil bar soap-
We love this soap, and use it all the time. It lasts a long time, and doesn't dry out your skin, or leave it oily feeling. I give this one a "10".

Seventh Generation automatic dishwasher gel:
Not so great at getting the dishes clean. You have to pre-rinse the dishes or they just aren't clean. I won't buy this one again.

Clorox Greenworks natural laundry detergent:
I love this! It smells good, gets the clothes clean, and the clothes don't have a strong smell when they come out of the washer. I'll keep buying this one!

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